Endometriosis – The “Invisible Disease”


If there was one thing you could say to help people understand Endometriosis, what would it be? Share it in the Comments Below!

My name is Tiffany and I would like to share my story. I am 28 years old and I have struggled with endometriosis for 13 years since I was 15. For 8 years it went undiagnosed because no one believed me when I told them I was in pain. They said I was overreacting or it was just in my head. For 8 years I suffered while no one believed or cared to even really listen to me.

It wasn’t until I was 23 and finally found a doctor who listened to me that I was diagnosed with endometriosis. That was when I had my first laparoscopic surgery. He found the endometriosis and a ruptured cyst. I had also been bleeding out and I had an infection that was starting to spread from my ovary to my Fallopian tube. If that doctor hadn’t taken me seriously I honestly don’t know what would have happened. Since then I have had a total of 3 surgeries, one healthy pregnancy, and two miscarriages.

I have my good days and I have had my bad days. Since November of last year, they have all been pretty bad. I’m on recovery day 2 from my 3rd surgery and it has been pretty hard on me. I am currently suffering from hair loss which I believe is from both my miscarriages and the endometriosis. This disease wreaks havoc on us women. It causes us so much pain and stress and even though I have been legitimately diagnosed, there are still people that don’t believe it or just don’t understand.

We need to find a way to make people more aware of this disease that affects so many of us women. I just want to let all you beautiful endo warriors out there know – you are not alone! We are strong and beating and brave and we got this!

If there was one thing you could say to help people understand Endometriosis, what would it be? Share it in the Comments Below!