My Eczema Story

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My story is about eczema.

It all started after I had my second kid. It was life-changing, the places I wanted to go to I couldn’t, it was all hot and uncomfortable. I couldn’t stand it.

Read more: Journey To Conquer Eczema

I couldn’t stand being outside when it was hot I would get so impatient just because everything would make me angry. It was not fair that I couldn’t do anything anywhere. Everything that I was doing caused me discomfort. I couldn’t even take regular showers.

I went through so many soaps and shampoos and lotions just to figure out what was right for me. It was very frustrating but I got through it.

Read more: My Skin Condition Put Me through Hell

Today to this day I still have outbreaks but it’s nothing like it used to be. Eczema is a life-changer but it did not change my life.

What keeps me going is my husband and kids, I know that I have to get up in the morning and get them ready for daycare and I have to get ready for work.

So I put my problems aside and try to think that it will get better.

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