Eczema: Scar Queen


What words do you need to remember on your bad days? Take a read and show your support by Sharing the blog!

When I was 8 years old I started getting patches all over my body. Huge, red, itchy, patches. Over the next 8 years, no doctor could figure out what was wrong with me. I’ve been misdiagnosed with melanoma, psoriasis, herpes and countless other things. It took an Ear, Nose and Throat doctor to diagnose my eczema and give me a steroid ointment that saved my life.

I was so self-conscious of my scars and hives. It was hard, trust me. People stared and whispered.  I’ve had guys tell me, “you are cute but…” I realized that I didn’t CHOOSE to have eczema.

Read more: Journey to Conquer Eczema

I did any and everything I could think of to cure it and hide it for years. I definitely went through the “sweaters and jeans in summer” phase but, once I said fuck it and that’s when I realized people don’t notice as much as I think. Most people don’t even care and the ones that do have some shit to say about it don’t need me in their life, anyway. We are beautiful regardless!!!

All my life I did my best to hide my scars. From wearing jackets in the summertime to taking an F in gym during swim week. Growing up being “that girl with the fucked up skin” made me into the “IDGAF what you think” kind of woman I am today.


Read more: My Skin Condition Put Me Through Hell

Dealing with people’s parents who didn’t want their kids to be friends with me because they thought I was contagious. To the guys who said “you are cute, BUT….” All of the strangers who stared when my skin flared. Four years ago, I said FUCK THEM and I decided that I LOVE ADRIANNA. Every scar, every discoloration. I bullshit you not, life has been better since.

So, to any little girl who looks “different, FUCK WHAT THEY SAY! Love yourself! That’s the ONLY love that matters. #EczemaScars #EmbraceYourFlaws #SelfLove

What words do you need to remember on your bad days? Take a read and show your support by Sharing the blog!