Discover Crohn’s Disease Treatment


Living with chronic inflammatory bowel disease is a reality that many faces every day. Crohn’s disease can help patients overcome daily problems that affect their ability to live a fulfilled and enjoyable life.

Knowledge about the variety of treatments for Crohn’s disease helps patients understand their condition and cope with the symptoms a better way by practicing best suitable option. As you may be aware, this is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestine that can affect any part of the digestive system, which causes pain and digestive problems. This causes ulcerations of the small and large intestines.

Several complications of this disease may arise, such as digestive problems, iron deficiency, bowel perforation, uncontrolled bowel movements, liver infection, rash, etc. This disease cannot be cured or eliminated from its root; the only way this approach can be tackled is to manage the disease properly. For this, patients and family members should be aware of the existing treatments as suggested by the physician.

Various Forms of Treatment

Conventional Method

The most common method and conventional treatment method of Crohn’s disease are through drugs prescription and surgery in extreme cases. Medications used to treat inflammation of the intestine are aminosalicylate or corticosteroid enemas. An Antibiotic may also be given to prevent infection. Immunomodulators are another form of the drug in which your immune system is suppressed to prevent swelling of the tissues.

When the intestines are severely blocked, then surgery is done to remove the affected part of the intestine. This can ensure significant relief from symptoms for a long time. However, there are several side effects of these medications as well. Patients may experience nausea, vomiting, shock, and increased risk of infection due to suppression of the immune system.


To avoid medications and their side effects, many people go for natural treatments.  Supplements such as omega-3 (fish oil), improve intestinal health. Also, nutritional supplements containing vitamin B12, folic acid, magnesium, potassium, and trace elements are considered because patients are usually deficient in these nutrients.

Herbal Remedies

Marshmallow root in combination with other herbs is known to reduce the symptoms of this disease significantly. Tea is made of roots or can be taken in a capsule form. Other herbs known to treat Crohn’s disease include Comfrey, Goldenseal, etc.
Also in treating Crohn’s disease, it is advisable to control your diet. You should avoid caffeine, alcohol, too much fat and sugar. You may also reduce the known allergens such as wheat, soy, and milk. Do some light exercises on a daily basis; this will improve your health and help relieve your symptoms.

The management of Crohn’s disease ultimately depends on your attitude, information and perspectives on this disease. Try to stay in a positive mood. You can start doing yoga or other relaxation activities. You can join the support group for the disease, or gather emotional support from loved ones. If you have a good idea and information about different treatments available, you can improve the quality of your life, take control of the situation, and be able to cope with this disease in a better way.