The Difference Between Endometriosis and Normal Cramps

Very painful periods are one of the Symptoms of Endometriosis.

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From the beginning, since my first period at age 11, I’ve always had painful periods. I was always told it was normal to have cramps and that it was just something every girl had to go through.

The pain was excruciating, most times I would just lay in bed in a fetal position. I was told by the older women in my family that I was just overreacting and being dramatic. It wasn’t until my 20s, after having my first child that finally, someone told me, it wasn’t normal to be in that much pain.

The physician I had seen told me I had large cysts and that she would get me my surgery. March 2011 was my first endometrial ablation.

We had been trying for another baby for seven years! I got pregnant with my second in November of 2011. After having her, the pain came back but with a vengeance, full force. Once again, I was told by my OB-GYN that nothing was wrong, it was all in my head because nothing would show up in any of the ultrasounds or scans. 2015, I got a surprise, I was pregnant again with my third girl.

We’d decided that three girls were enough and our family was complete. So, when I had my C-section I chose to have my tubes tied. The pain came back instantly. Long story short, after three surgeries within a year and a half, all I have left is my left ovary.

It feels great to be pain-free, however, now I am going through menopause early at age 35 and I still have all the other Endometriosis symptoms every month.

Very painful periods are one of the Symptoms of Endometriosis.

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