I was Diagnosed with MS and Arthritis


Do you manage to keep your Sense of Humor during difficult days? Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.

I was diagnosed with M.S. in June of 2006 when my legs literally went from under me, I had numerous other things going on in my body that I couldn’t explain, but was admitted to the hospital as I couldn’t walk and was there for three days while the doctors tried to figure out what was wrong with me!

They arrived at a definite diagnosis – I had MS! I could not walk for 6 months after coming home and had double vision among other ailments! I realized that my head was the weight of a bowling ball as it was so heavy to keep it up!!!!

As the years went by I was adamant that I needed to walk again and it was a hard battle but ultimately I ended by walking with a cane (it’s a pretty pink one haha!!!)

Then one morning in 2016 I woke up with the worst pain ever in my right knee and took some painkillers and thought to myself ‘it will be gone tomorrow’ but on the third day, I had to see a doctor! After many tests I discovered it was Arthritis – I was shocked!!! I thought only old people got arthritis!!!! ( clearly forgetting that I was 50 – part of the old people’s club haha!!!). My ‘gait’ has always been somewhat weird because of the MS and my neurologist always checks it when I visit her. I was really fed up and thought to myself ‘don’t I have enough on my plate?’ But with the help of physical therapy, it’s starting to feel somewhat better. I still walk but not much and I go out in my wheelchair most of the time now!

But despite all of this going on, I thank God that I have an excellent sense of humor and prefer to laugh most of the time!!! I’ve been so depressed over the years and have definitely had many pity parties for myself! But with the help of my antidepressant (I call it my happy pill!!!) and my sense of humor, I feel like I can battle anything.

Do you manage to keep your Sense of Humor during difficult days? Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.