Diabetes setting me back on the right track


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Being told I had Diabetes was a good thing for me. It brought home the fact that everything had been going wrong and that it had to be set right. For the first time, I realized I had to eat healthy food and to cut off some medications, which I had been taking and were large contributors to me getting diabetes in the first place.

Read more: How Diabetes Affected My Family

I am cutting off those drugs over the next five years at a rate of 20 mg every six months and I have cut out eating all sugar and became a vegetarian instead. I am trying to discipline myself to exercise as I am about twice the weight I should be. It is truly awful to be so overweight and I am trying my best to portion my meals. I find that eating small amounts regularly helps. I also fast from 6 at night to eight in the morning. All the life changes I have had to make are welcome improvements and it is as if the diabetes diagnosis was just there to tell me that what I was doing was wrong.

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