Diabetes was My Inheritance


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caregiverAt 14, I left school to care for my mother who had serious and uncontrollable diabetes. I hated not being in school. There were times I became tired of doing things for my mom.

So, I started taking sips of my daddy’s liquor bottles. As the years went by, I kept drinking more and more. I was still caring for my mom as she got to the point of being bedridden. I have 7 sisters yet I was the only one who cared for mom. I would tell her that I was tired of feeding and bathing her as well as giving her all of her medications and shots.

Read more: Diabetes Discovery: So This is My Life Now

She had always said that I was going to get an inheritance and I needed to learn how to control it. I would tell her that I was tired and would like to sleep through the night. She would say, “When I die, you will rest. Unless you don’t control your inheritance.” The day came when I was an alcoholic and little did I know, I also had diabetes.

My mom passed away and I was devastated which caused me to drink more. Still, I was not sleeping. So, I went to
the clinic and was put on medication at first. I couldn’t control it so they put me on insulin. Eventually, I stopped drinking.

Read more: Almost Everyone in my Family has Diabetes

My mom has been gone for 28 years now and I still haven’t gotten a good nights rest. Oh, and my inheritance is diabetes. I have been sober for 14 years and I’m trying anything to sleep. My A1C is now at an 8.

Does anyone in your family also have diabetes? Take a Read, Leave a Comment and Share the Blog!