Depressed but Fighting It


Did you manage to bring your Depression under Control? Share Your Progress with us!

I’ve been battling depression for many years now and it’s as if it never stops. Back in 2006, I gave birth to a handsome baby boy, but God took him when he was just 6 weeks old. He passed away due to SIDS. I have other children that have chosen the wrong activities in life, which keeps me worried about their safety and health, but I do my best at keeping myself together and positive.

Like that is not enough, my husband has been a part of my depression. He is doing some bad activities and he is not coming home when he should. My son was on heavy drugs and my daughter has been cutting herself. My other son has been in the hospital due to a vehicle accident that left him in a bad condition. The doctors say there isn’t any hope for recovery, but God has the last say in everything.

I do not take any medicine for my depression. I just sit back and ask the good Lord, Our God in Heaven to help me along the journey that has been given.

So, if you have many things to be depressed about, please lift the load and talk to God because God can help you. He has helped me this far and continues to help me along life’s journey.

Did you manage to bring your Depression under Control? Share Your Progress with us!