Degenerative Disc Disease


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Four years ago, I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease. It has affected my life very much. I was a school bus driver and can no longer drive a school bus. My hands, arms, and neck constantly go numb, and I’m in constant pain. I take six pills some days when the pain becomes unbearable.

Read more: My Life with Chronic Pain

I’m so depressed that I don’t want to get out of bed, but then I think to myself I have a husband and kids to take care of. It’s not just about me. I need to be there for them, so I forced myself to work through the pain, to make dinner, to do laundry and make sure they’re taken care of. Once everyone is in bed, I sit on the couch with a heating pad in so much pain. I want to cry, but I will not give up because God is on my side.

Read more: My Knee and Back Problems

My doctor is doing all she can to find the right medicine that will help me. Trial and error – that’s what I say, and in time the right thing will come along. Thank you for reading my story, have a blessed day!

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