My Daughter Helped Me with My Depression


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I was diagnosed with depression when I was seventeen.

It happened right after I lost my son.

Read more: Depressed But Fighting It

It started when I was laying in bed but kept getting pain, eventually, my brother came and checked on me and got me to go to the hospital. When we got there I was immediately taken to the back and asked to do an ultrasound because they thought I was pregnant.

At that moment, I was completely caught off guard but sure enough I hard my son’s heartbeat. I tried to tell the doctor that something wasn’t right but he insisted I was ok.

Read more: I am Only 20 years old and I have Depression

Soon as he walked out the room I gave birth to my son at only 4 months and twenty minutes later he was gone.

I didn’t even think I could be happy again after that until I met my daughter. She gives me the strength to go on and push through the days where my depression tries to control me.

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