Cursed for Life


Did you try any natural remedies to help you with the pain? Do they help? Share to Raise Awareness!

When I was growing up, I didn’t know what was wrong me, but I knew that it really got in the way of life in general. School, sporting events of my own, class performances, church, everything. All I knew was that my head hurt, a lot, and I had to throw up almost every time. I was really not feeling good.

Read more: My Migraine Nightmare

As I got older, my mom started saying that I have migraines because she had it too. So, she recognized my symptoms. With a help of my mom, we started some trial and error drugs and procedures to no avail. I even tried a CT Scan to see and find a cause. Did not get any answers. As I reached my older teenage years, I was able to start figuring out my triggers and some helpful home remedies. Fast forward a bit and I’m now 38 years old. I’m still afflicted with migraines, but the only difference is that I traded in my nausea and throwing up for worse head pain.

Luckily, I have found a rescue prescription that works most of the time for me. Sadly, I don’t really see an end in sight. I hope for either a cure or better rescue medicines in the future. But for now, I’ll hold steady with what I’ve got.

Did you try any natural remedies to help you with the pain? Do they help? Share to Raise Awareness!