Coping with Migraines

ice packs

How do you cope with Migraines? Do you have some tricks that help you? Show your support by Commenting!

After my 10th migraine, I realized I had to do something about this. I could no longer be a helpless victim, I had to find something, ANYTHING that could help me get out of this mess.

So, I started trying things on how to cope.

After several years of trial and error, here are my ways to cope with Migraines. I hope this is useful to someone out there. THANKS!

Read more: How Can You Stop An Unstoppable Disease?

  • Turn Off The Light – Darkness is your friend during a migraine hit. Find somewhere dark, quiet and peaceful that you can spend the remainder of your day in. These days are best to order delivery and just stay indoors.
  • Ice Packs – Freeze the pain away, or at least try to. Ice packs are useful and can be made from anything, no need to buy it from Amazon or some online vendor. A frozen pack of peas will do the trick. If that doesn’t work, least the peas are flawed for dinner.
  • Hot Packs – If the cold won’t do it, try the heat. Sometimes the reverse temperature is all you need. I rotate between both, some days the ice pack works better and others the heat pack does.
  • Caffeine – Drink plenty of coffee AND plenty of water. Caffeine can help the mind, it always helped me. Be sure to drink a lot of water with it though or else you will get dehydrated.
  • Sleep – If you need to, just sleep as much as you possibly can. Call the day done and just rest, your body needs it more right now.

If these don’t work, I recommend talking to your doctor.

Read more: Lifelong Suffering from Migraines

How do you cope with Migraines? Do you have some tricks that help you? Show your support by Commenting!