Common Myths About ADHD


In accordance with the CDC or the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, around 6.4M children in the US are suffering from attention-deficient/ hyperactivity disorder. This disorder is mostly characterized by a range of different symptoms and behaviors that are both experienced externally and internally. The overall symptoms of ADHD can surely make it harder for anybody to stay organized, pay attention, and complete different tasks. A person suffering from this disease can cause several types of disruption to others, such as in a classroom or even at home. To be more precise ADHD isn’t only a strict condition of childhood. In fact, almost four percent of the adults residing in the United States have been diagnosed with this disease. There are even times when parents are recognized with this disease when their child is diagnosed. Even though many people are suffering from this disease, the condition remains misunderstood by the overall public. Here in this article, we are going to discuss some very common myths about this condition.

Common Myths About ADHD

  • ADHD Is Caused By Poor Parenting: Most of the parents of children suffering from ADHD might worry that they are somehow to be blamed for their child’s bad behavior. However, this above-mentioned condition isn’t strictly caused by poor parenting.
  • Only The Younger Generation Can Suffer From ADHD: All the overall symptoms of ADHD might be present almost by the age of seven in order to meet the criteria of diagnosis. However, many individuals might remain undiagnosed until they reach adulthood. There are times that it can be very common for a parent to be diagnosed with the same disease around the same time that their child is. However, as an adult learns more about the conditions, they might start recognizing all the behavioral traits of ADHD all by themselves.
  • Anybody Suffering From ADHD Cannot Focus At All: Given the name of the above condition, it can be sometimes confusing for people to see anyone having the said disease focusing intently on some particular activity. It can even be more accurate to describe the attention deficit part of ADHD as facing difficulty while regulating attention rather than saying ability to pay attention.
  • Stimulants Leading To Addiction And Drug Abuse: Several research work has indicated that the overall rate of substance misuse is very much lower in people suffering from ADHD especially for those who get stimulant medications and appropriate treatment.
  • Medications Can Completely Cure ADHD: Medications can never completely cure ADHD. However, it can help in managing symptoms when taken in reference by a medical professional. Remember the condition of ADHD is a lifelong chronic condition. In case anyone has been prescribed ADHD medications as a child, they might also need to continue it even as an adult.

Misconceptions or the myths about ADHD might be harmful at different levels. All the misconceptions might result in taking accurate diagnoses more challenging while encouraging shame and guilt. ADHD might cause bad effects on every single area of a person’s life, right from their experience at home to work and even to their relationship. While this disease cannot be completely cured but medications and therapy might help people with ADHD manage their overall health condition.