I Am Dealing with Chronic Pain Because of My Broken Back


What do you think is the Best Way to deal with the Broken Back pain? Show your Support to the Author by Commenting below!

It all started In 2010 when I fell down a flight of stairs and fractured L4, L5, and L6.

It was very traumatizing. Prior to this accident, I had never known real pain. I then proceeded to have back surgery to repair the fractured bones.

Read more: Living with Chronic Pain

It was at that time that I had to learn how to deal with chronic pain. I started off having injections in my back. For a while they did work but that didn’t last very long. And for the amount of money spent, it was not worth it after awhile.

Read more: My Life with Chronic Pain

So, for the next couple of years, I tried aqua therapy, low impact aerobics, and other types of exercise. At the same time, I began to lose weight which has helped drastically.

Its now almost 8 years since my last surgery and I deal with the pain on a daily basis. The pain is certainly less but nonetheless still occurs.

What do you think is the Best Way to deal with the Broken Back pain? Show your Support to the Author by Commenting below!