Busting COVID-19 Myths


The advent of the novel Coronavirus has sparked conversations among social media and the world as a whole. Several myths have been going on among people in relation to COVID-19.

While it is good to be equipped with the right information, it is also important to shun or discredit the ones that are not true.

The following includes the COVID-19 myths and the facts that prove them wrong.

1. Mosquitoes can pass on Coronavirus

There are people who are of the belief that mosquitoes can spread the virus from one person to another. However, that is totally wrong. The novel Coronavirus is a respiratory disease, and so does not interfere with the blood of anyone.

Undoubtedly so, mosquitoes are known to be transmitters of disease when they suck one’s blood and transfer it to another person by sucking their blood also. While mosquitoes can spread diseases like malaria, they cannot spread the novel Coronavirus. This is because the virus deals with the respiratory organ of an individual and not one’s blood.

2. Only old people can get the virus

This is not true. In fact, younger adults are at risk of being infected by the virus. However, to put the statement right, the Coronavirus is more likely to cause serious damage to older people because of their weak immune and respiratory systems.

This myth is discredited because even babies of ages 2, 3, and 4 have tested positive for the virus in recent times. Younger people are urged to take the necessary precautions because they also stand a risk of contracting the virus.

3. Hot areas/surroundings protect you from COVID-19

Here is another myth that should be debunked because it is not true. According to research, it is proven that COVID-19 can live in any climate condition, no matter how harsh it is.

For instance, hot countries in Africa have recorded a high number of Coronavirus cases as well as deaths. Subsequently, cold continents have also recorded a high number of Coronavirus cases.

4. Spraying or consuming bleach or disinfectant will protect you from contracting COVID-19

It is important not to ever think of consuming any bleach or disinfectant. Though disinfectant kills the virus on surfaces, it is very harmful to the human body.

Consuming or spraying bleach or disinfectant on your body could be poisonous to your body system and may cause irritation to your eyes and skin.

The bleach and disinfectants are made with chlorine, which is very harmful to the human body when consumed. Health organizations have warned the general public only to use bleach and disinfectants on surfaces only.

5. 5G mobile networks spread COVID-19

Frankly speaking, this is the most hilarious and false news you would ever hear. No existing virus can be spread through mobile networks or radio waves. In fact, the virus is spreading at a fast rate in many countries that are yet to begin using the 5G network.

COVID-19 can only be transmitted through respiratory droplets. The droplets of an infected person can be transmitted to another person through sneezing, talking, or coughing. Also, people can get the virus when they get in contact with a contaminated surface where the virus is. On contact with the contaminated surface, you can get the virus by then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes.

The following ways below are the methods through which the virus can be transmitted, and not through 5G networks.

6. Getting the virus will mean you will not get it ever again

This is totally wrong. In fact, an average person who is infected with the virus stands a risk of getting the virus once more if necessary precaution is not taken.

If you have been infected with the virus, you are expected to seek medical help immediately. A majority of infected patients recover from the virus because of fast medical attention.

covid-19 research

7. There is a cure for COVID-19

There is no doubt that multiple drug experiments are going round the world. However, there is no proven evidence that one particular drug cures COVID-19.

In the world today, there are different drugs that are consumed by people who are scared of the virus. These drugs could pose a serious side effect to their health. In some cases, the regular intake of these drugs could result in death.

The public is urged to desist from the belief that there is a proven and universal cure for COVID-19.

8. Eating garlic helps to prevent COVID-19 infection

While it is without a doubt that garlic is a healthy food that helps build the immune system of an individual, there is still no proven evidence that garlic helps to prevent COVID-19 infection.

Until there is proven evidence that it really works to help prevent COVID-19 infection, it remains a myth.

9. Antibiotics work in preventing and curing the novel COVID-19

This is a myth that should be discredited. There is no proof that antibiotics are effective against being infected with viruses. It is important to note that antibiotics are only effective against the spread of bacteria.

The novel Coronavirus is a virus and not bacteria. This is why people should shun the idea of using antibiotics to cure COVID-19 and also to prevent its spread.

10. Hand dryers work to kill the novel Coronavirus

According to research, hand dryers do not work in killing COVID-19 in individuals.

Hand dryers are only machines that dry the wet hands of people and not a machine that kills Coronavirus.

You should protect yourself from the getting infected with the new Coronavirus by observing the following steps:

• Washing of hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer.
• Practice social distancing
• Avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes with unclean hands

covid 19 hand dryer

Wrapping Up

It is important to adhere to the basic guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19. While the novel Coronavirus is spreading by the day, so too are the myths.

Always endeavor to ask questions and do research when you hear something that seems to be true or not. This is a pandemic that should be taken seriously and it can only be done with the help of the right information.