Breastfeeding Struggle


Do you struggle with breastfeeding? Share with us your story in the Comments!

Breastfeeding was one of those things I’ve always wanted to do when I started carrying my child. Let’s go fast forward to when I was 7 months pregnant. I was leaking milk and it appeared always in public. I didn’t have any breast pads yet and it was the middle of summer. It wasn’t like I could just throw on a jacket. I went to my first breastfeeding class and it seemed so easy. I thought I had it in the bag. We learned how to hold babies while feeding and how to get latched.

Read more: Pregnant at 16 – My Story

I was so ready to breastfeed her for the very first time. I gave birth to my daughter on October 10th via emergency c-section. Actually, I didn’t know how to get her to latch onto my breast, so I asked a nurse to show me. The nurse I had on my first night was the worst, she only let me breastfeed on one side. Not even a week later I was visiting a breastfeeding consultant because my daughter cried, and nurses were way too much.

She weighed less than her birth weight which is normal but after an hour she only got half an ounce of milk. I had to get formula as a supplement while I worked on increasing my supply. I got to increase my supply to 2-3 ounces per pumping session. Still, it wasn’t enough to only breastfeed her. I kept her on breast milk until she was 4 months.

Do you struggle with breastfeeding? Share with us your story in the Comments!