Breaking News: Migraines Could Be An Immune System Disease


A recent study published in Nature Genetics suggests that certain illnesses including migraines might be being treated wrong. Genetics research Andrey Rzhetsky and his team at the University of Chicago determined that currently accepted ways of classifying diseases based on observable symptoms are missing key details.

One example of this is the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) says that migraines are a disease of the central nervous system. However, Rzhetsky and his team have found that migraines correlate much more with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) genetically.

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The author’s of the study go on to say that because migraines might be linked to other diseases that are inflammatory rather than focused on the central nervous system, that treatments might need to be changed. Treating with medicine for an immune response may be more beneficial because IBS has been shown to be effectively treated with immune related medicine.

The research is backed by a large dataset of 130,000 U.S. households, approximately 250,000 individuals.
