Breaking the Cycle of Abuse


What was the biggest challenge after being diagnosed? Share to show your Support! 

would do anything to tell my story, including traveling all over the country. My grandfather started physically, emotionally, and sexually abusing me when I was five. I found it hard to break the cycle of abuse and followed my mother’s example of choosing men. She stayed with my father, an abusive and full-blown alcoholic for 48 years.

Read more: Abuse: My Past, Future, and Happiness

At the age of 18, I was raped by my boyfriend and needed 375 stitches. Not too long after that, I was with an abusive man again. While the abuse was terrible, I had three beautiful children with him. They are my silver linings. Luckily, I found the strength to leave him when my now 21-year-old son was three.

Read more: Abuse, Anxiety, PTSD, and Depression Survivor

I am 49 years old and broke the cycle when I was 40. It has been very difficult to move forward. I was diagnosed with PTSD, depression, and anxiety and I’m still fighting the past. I have severe social anxiety and do not trust anyone. This is just a tiny glimpse into the codependency and abuse of my past. I am working on myself and trying to live my best life.

What was the biggest challenge after being diagnosed? Share to show your Support!