Blessings of ADHD


What blessings do you have as an ADHD patient? Share to show your Support!

ADHD, it’s four letters that cart ever longer words. My ADHD is both a curse and a blessing. I’ve had to come to terms with it. Like many others, I was told: “You’ll grow out of it”. That didn’t happen, actually, it got worse. 

I wish I had excepted that adults have ADHD too sooner. Though part of the problem is, that people only talk about the negative aspects so rather than focusing on the curse aspect. Here are the blessings:

  1. I’m really creative, I can crochet animals and not need a pattern, I cook really well with things together that make no sense to anyone else but it’s almost always super yummy.
  2. I’m awesome in crisis mode. I think really fast, which means I can solve problems really well, with very out of the box solutions.
  3. If I’m focused, I’m really focused. I can spend an entire day on a single thing without even noticing the time or getting bored
  4. I can remember really weird and random facts, which make me awesome at trivia games.
  5. I’ve excepted that medication is my best option. I’m not as impulsive and I can sit down and make a list.

Read more: A Story of an ADHD Child

There is not a cure. I do still have symptoms. I’ve come to realize that ADHD can only hold you back if you let it.

What blessings do you have as an ADHD patient? Share to show your Support!