Being In an Abusive Relationship


Have you ever been in an Abusive Relationship? Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.

igot into a bad relationship 4 years ago to whom I thought was my everything. We were together for about 3 months when all hell broke loose. He started just hanging out at my work my entire shift watching to see if I would smile at anyone and if I was flirting with someone. Then he would take me home and start controlling me at my home watching me on every move going to the bathroom or even taking a bath.

I could not even go see or talk to my parents without him being right there knowing everything I said or talked to my parents about. Then he started hitting me and I was forced to have sex with him. If I didn’t want to, he would accuse me of cheating on him and I would get choked out until I had sex with him.

His control over me, choking me, threatening to kill my family went on for 3 years. Then my dad passed away unexpectedly in 03/2017 and I finally had enough. The main person that I could always talk to was gone. Two weeks after that my ex-boyfriend beat my head in so bad my eyes were black and blue for 4 months and he beat my son too. It was the last time. Now it’s going to be a year away from him and I still have nightmares. I wish I was dead with my dad every day, so I don’t have to live with the PTSD.

Have you ever been in an Abusive Relationship? Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.