Beating Depression without Medication


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I have been battling depression since I was 15 years young. I am 34 years young now and no medication has agreed with me. I was taking around 10 different types of medications; some made me not want to eat while others would give me bad anxiety and that feeling as if my heart were pounding.

Read more: Coping with Depression

So, I looked to what made me happy such as going shopping, taking walks, watching a funny TV show which I enjoyed, as well as being around friends who make you laugh because laughter is the best medicine. I always feel great when I am laughing!

Read more: Gratitude – How You Can Beat Depression

Please know that depression can be beaten. I do sometimes have thoughts about doing harmful things but it’s important to remember that when those thoughts come to mind, you should hurry and do something that makes you feel happy.

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