Battlefield With Anxiety


How did your medicine affect your body? Have you experienced any side-effects? Share to Show your Support!

Having anxiety is not easy at all. You never know when will it strike or what will trigger it. There are days when I can walk into the gym and just have a total panic attack. I am ok until I walk in and bam – the anxiety instantly kicks in, and my chest gets tight, and I have to tell myself it’s ok, just to calm down. Breathe in and out over 5 times in order to make it to the locker room. The feeling is so overwhelming that it really takes a lot of strength to overcome those kinds of moments.

Read more: My Anxiety Held me Back for Too Long

When it gets overbearing, I just shut down without doing anything for a long time. The meltdown is a serious mess. I have to pray and ask God to guide me because, without those prayers, I would be flipping out, and people would think I’m crazy. In reality, I’m just a human who suffers from anxiety and has a hard time controlling it at times. The meds don’t help all the time. What should I do differently?

How did your medicine affect your body? Have you experienced any side-effects? Share to Show your Support!