I Feel Like a Bad Mom Because of My Migraines


Have you ever felt like a bad parent because of your Migraines?

Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.

I have suffered from migraine headaches for the last 15 years.

When they first started they had a cluster headache frequency. I had a 6 week period where there were only 5 days where I didn’t experience migraine pain.

This was right before my son’s 5th birthday, which we held a Chuck E Cheese. Can you imagine having a migraine with nausea, sensitivity to light, sound, and smells, and being stuck at Chuck E Cheese?

But I couldn’t miss it. So I overmedicated zombie self-managed myself through a couple hours of torture, all the while feeling like the world’s lousiest mom and wife.

Since then they have been less frequent. Some years, I will only have them with my period, other years I will have them weekly. In the last year, I have had several episodes where they are like the initial cluster headache experience.

My job performance has suffered, my relationships have suffered, my self-esteem has suffered. I know that increased stress levels increase the frequency of my migraines.

My other triggers include red wine, Chinese food, and when my seasonal allergies act up.

I take Imitrex as needed at the onset of the aura and that helps. Getting to the chiropractor and massage therapist regularly also helps.

If I wake up with the migraine nothing helps. I’ve taken a couple of different blood pressure pills. I’ve tried fish oil, essential oils, anything that has had some success in the research I’ve done.

That is, anything shy of Botox. At this point, I am really leary if injecting a lethal toxin into my head and neck. Need to see some more conclusive studies before I take that step.

Have you ever felt like a bad parent because of your Migraines?

Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.