My Baby was Diagnosed with Diabetes


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Hudson was 27 months old and had an upper respiratory infection that he had been battling and it was not getting any better.

Called his pulmonologist on Tuesday and he prescribed some oral steroids. We had already been doing breathing treatments every 4 hours for 4 days.

On Wednesday Hudson looked worse than he ever had. Took him to the ER and they did a test for his hydration level and his blood glucose was 430. I knew in my mind that was not right.

They checked again and it was 465! I was starting to get really worried by this time. They came to do the full blood panel and work up. The results came back and his sugar was 535 and ketones were at 4+ and spilling glucose in his urine.

He was in DKA! He had fallen asleep when we got there at 2:00 pm and he slept the entire afternoon, evening, and in the next day. We spent 2 days in PICU with hourly finger sticks.

My son was diagnosed on December 29, 2016, at 27 months exactly. It will be a day I will NEVER forget. I will fight for my baby until my last day!

Being a mother of a child with Diabetes is hard, but I am grateful to have Hudson in my life and I am proud that he is my son.

Have you ever experienced something similar? What did you do and how did you feel? Take a Read, Comment to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.