Asthma – My Companion through Life


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Ihave had asthma since I was a teenager. I have always been pretty lucky to never had to go to the hospital for it but I have a rescue inhaler if needed. As I have gotten older, my asthma has improved and now I barely need my rescue inhaler.

Read more: How is Asthma Affecting your Social Life

Before, I needed a regular inhaler I had to take every day on top of my rescue inhaler. I had to take regular breathing tests every three months when I was a teenager. It sucked but I got through it and luckily, I haven’t needed to have breathing tests anymore. I think moving from Ohio to California is a big reason why my asthma improved and I am thankful for the move. I remember my asthma used to keep me up at night because it became hard to breathe.

Read more: What to Do When You Are Stuck in the Hospital Because of Asthma…Again

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I am just so lucky it never got to the point of having to go to the hospital. I am so thankful to God. My family has been supporting me and my dad takes me to my doctor’s appointments. I do believe though that having asthma has made it harder for me to lose weight. I remember learning about asthma through watching Arthur as a kid. He got it and it was before I realized I had it too. I am so glad I learned about asthma through the movie because it helped me not to be scared and deal with it.

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