Arthritis Destroyed my Left Knee


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I suffered from left knee pains for years and got to the point where I must get injections. Alas, the effects were short term. My Orthopedist said my left knee was bone on bone and would need surgery. I was afraid of surgery so I put it off. Finally one day this past September the doctor said this was the point of no return as I was then ready for surgery. So I went through all the necessary tests and was cleared for surgery.

After 9 weeks of at home physical therapy, my knee was still not meeting the criteria of “acceptable”. My physical therapist said the muscles were too tight and started to give me extra massage therapy and my Orthopedist said that my X-ray looked good so he has stopped my therapy.

Read more: Rheumatoid Arthritis in my 30’s

Now 8 months later, I have lost flexibility in that knee and he has given me more exercises. I am literally tearing the muscles with lots of pain and swelling. My pain management doctor had cut my medications in half just prior to the surgery and it has been a very long painful adventure.

On top of it, all my right knee is now quickly approaching the same state. I have vowed never to go through replacement again especially after hearing how many other people who have had problems with knee replacement.

I am looking at other options such as stem cell replacement but they are not covered by Medicare and are expensive. This option is out for me being on a limited income. So now it is more years of injections and suffering.

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