Anxious and Depressed Because of an Enormous Tragedy


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Hi, my name is Marie. I used to have five children, but now I have four because my daughter passed away at three and a half years old. She was my younger son’s twin sister. Then, 4 months later, my mother passed away. When she passed away I kept thinking I was next, I was going to pass away.

Read more: Depressed but Fighting It

I was scared. My anxiety was through the roof along with my depression. I cried every night and every day. There was something wrong with me and it seemed like nothing was wrong with me – that’s how bad my stress and anxiety were. I went to the hospital because my chest was hurting and I thought maybe I was having a heart attack. They looked at my heart and everything was fine. I was crying and the doctor asked me did something happen to me recently. I told him I lost my three-year-old daughter.

Read more: Beating Depression without Medication

She passed away to a tragedy due to the flu and then 4 months later I lost my mother. That’s when she diagnosed me with depression and anxiety attacks. Ever since then, my anxiety and depression come and go but it’s not as bad as it used to be. I can’t control when I’m going to pass away, but I can control my anxiety and depression. I recently stopped taking medicine.  I either listen to the listen to music, talk to my 14-year-old daughter or I write down what’s on my mind. I am going to get better.

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