Anxiety Controls My Life


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Having major anxiety takes a toll on every aspect of my life.

From talking on the phone to meeting new people. It makes it hard to get a job because of the fear of having an interview and also having to deal with multiple people in everyday situations.

Read more: Life with Anxiety

The only thing I can do is talk to people I am comfortable with or sit at home alone doing nothing. Whenever I need something, I feel like I have to ask somebody else to help me because it’s too difficult to do them myself.

It’s scary to even think about doing most tasks on my own. Eventually, maybe it’ll go away, but as of right now I can’t and need help.

I thought that it is going to get better, but it still hasn’t. Sometimes it is a challenge to even go out. Anxiety took over a really large part of my life. I just hope that it is going to get better.

Read more: My Worst Enemy – Anxiety

If you need help don’t be afraid to ask for it. In the long run, it will make your life easier and make you happier.

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