Anemia was the Reason for my Migraines


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Over the last few years, my health has progressively been getting worse.

Migraines and seeing stars have become a daily occurrence. My school does a blood drive every few months and every time I attempted to give blood my blood count was never high enough.

Read more: Living with Anemia

I was told it had to be in the double digits and I was scoring between 6 and 8. They even asked me if I had anemia. I remember one time the guy doing my blood count looked at me and asked if I was okay? As if he was truly worried about my health. I started talking to my doctor about it and we did blood work.

Read more: Living With A Migraine

She looked at me and told me she was seriously considering sending me to the hospital for a blood transfusion. Instead, she prescribed me iron pills. When that wasn’t working she sent me to a hematologist where I had to do more blood work and had an appointment to come back and get an IV of iron. I’m not a fan of needles so that was an experience for me.

Since then I have had more energy and fewer migraines. I don’t see stars much anymore. I still have regular appointments to make sure everything is okay.

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