How much Would you have? I would have $40

  • Used a Snapchat Filter with your Loved one – $10
  • Cried after a Stressful day of Caregiving -$20
  • Panicked after your Loved one wandered off alone – $15
  • Cleaned up a freshly cooked meal they just spilled – $10
  • Patiently waited 5 min for Loved one to gather their thoughts – $15
  • Given them a bath – $20
  • Been verbally abused by your loved one – $10
  • After a day of caregiving, had your name mistaken for someone else – $15
  • Used a Therapy Animal to cheer them up – $5
  • Joined an online Support Group – $20
  • Bought them a Coloring book – $10
  • Asked your Loved one what they wanted to eat only for them to not want it after being made – $15
  • Loved one with Alz was aggressive one day – $5
  • Tried to get them into a Clinical Research Study – $20
  • Found a song they loved to sing/dance along with – $25

Comment below how much you would have and Share this article to help raise awareness.