Adjusting to Endo and a New Medication


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Well, I’ll start this off by saying today 8/14/18 is Day 40 of me starting a new drug. I’m in a research study of this drug that just recently got approved in the US 2 weeks ago.

Let’s start off with days 1-4 of being on the drug, I had a serious migraine for 4 straight days and I was zoned out like I was a character from the Walking Dead. I zoned out feeling turned into a peaceful nonchalant feeling, but still was in extreme pain, but I was happy about it. Lol, it was crazy.

Read More: Endometriosis – My Lifelong Companion

I bleed on and off for the first 3 weeks then I felt a slight ease in pain but it was still there. Week 4 I had kind of a scare, food begins to betray me. I couldn’t hold food down for 2 days the 2nd day my puke was mixed with blood.

Got those results back turns out my body was just extremely tired. So I’ve been scared to eat heavy foods, been doing salads. This past Saturday 8/11/2018 I ate a full meal after church, was feeling good thinking food and I were friends again. Sunday I ate a salad because I had a lot of running around to do.

Then Monday, 8/14/2018 – Food and I are not on good terms. Yes, I took the test, so I’m not pregnant, food just doesn’t like me anymore. I’m trying now to watch very carefully what I eat. After the 1st 30 days I went for blood work, they told me my Vitamin D was low and my platelets were high.

Read More: Endometriosis and Unsupportive Loved Ones

Vitamin D is an easy fix, but now that I’m feeling even less pain than before they give me something to worry about. So I remembering my legs have been hurting, I’m like I must have blood clots, I think about the puke mixed with blood, I must have an infection. So as I stress I increase from mild to moderate pain again, still not as intense before I started which was extremely severe, so I’m definitely moving in a positive direction.

Finally get my results on why my platelets were high and…… drum roll….. it’s because of inflammation I. E. Endometriosis. I know this that’s why I’m here, but thankfully there is no infection and it’s not because I’ve started this new drug. Feeling better every day. I’m down to taking 2 opioids a day in addition to the new drug, which I take twice a day along with an estrogen pill daily.

Read More: The Emotions of Endometriosis

Internally it’s been a crazy ride, emotionally, I may have had a few emotional outbursts here & there but nothing outrageous. If it wasn’t for the love & the support of my ex (ok, he’s not so much of an ex anymore lol) I don’t know how I would have gotten through the adjustment period of the drug.

Hopefully, my pain will continue to lessen and I don’t have any more setbacks because Lord knows I’m tired. I’ll end this little rant with stay Strong my EndoSisters! Continue to fight!!! 💛💛💛 #EndoStrong 💪💪💪#FindACure

How do you cope with Endo? Share this Story to Raise Awareness!