Acne as a Social Problem


How did acne affect your life? Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.

“Acne are beautiful!” How dare some people (girlfriends/mothers beware!) call it this way just to make us feel good? After all the damage it has caused to our social and sexual relationships. I am sure you have experienced this first hand, but have you ever wondered how bad acne is for your love life? I mean seriously, think about it. Is it as bad as having a deep wound or scar or is it worse than that? Are you the only person who thinks that acne is affecting your love life? After all, people still sent you invitations to parties and friends seem not to care that much. That means that it must be you who choose to stay inside because of embarrassment and shame. Must it be you and your introversion, right? Well, no.

Some people, even me, may be confused by the media and don’t admit that acne is a serious health problem. They try to live their lives like acne is something normal. I applied all kinds of different creams and its price is the same as a paid visit to a dermatologist. However, it is not normal. Of course, these people end up with all sorts of strange ideas and become miserable. Why? Because they have to justify somehow and explain why people keep rejecting them.

Let’s not be these people and let’s see and accept what acne really is and what it does to our social life. If we can do that, we can then move forward and take action to remove it without feeling emotional harassment and pain at each step. Acne sends a non-stop signal to all the humans around that you are sick. That’s right! You see, when someone is ill, or for some reason, he has hormonal imbalances and/or a poor immune system then what usually happens is that his condition is reflected on his skin. Skin is an organ like everything else and to work properly, the whole machine must be working properly. You can literally say that skin is a mirror of the inner body. Never forget that.

How did acne affect your life? Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.