Acid Reflux: A Day in the Life


Do you also suffer from acid reflux? Share this Story and any helpful suggestions for GERD management in the Comments!

I’ve been living with acid reflux for over a decade now. GERD, also known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease, is absolutely horrible! Even with prescription medication, the symptoms are unmanageable at times. When I take prescription drugs, they don’t completely help with the burning, coughing, choking, and an overall decreased quality of life.

On a daily basis, some sufferers can’t even find relief using home remedies such as apple cider vinegar, baking soda, mustard, or even prescription drugs. Changing my diet, avoiding night-time eating, sleeping on the right side, and following a drug regimen hasn’t helped and I’m at my wit’s end.

Read more: Navigating Through Healthcare System

I’ve heard of a surgery that will correct the lower esophageal sphincter. However, an invasive procedure is scary to many, including me. I’m wondering if drugs actually help or if they just exacerbate the issue? If I skip just one day of my prescribed Omeprazole, it’s hell to pay.

Can surgery be the last option to correct this disorder? Can naturopathy provide a holistic approach to resolve the utterly painful issue?

While there are several options for fellow sufferers, which is the best? Any ideas or comments are welcome! By sharing our resolutions with one another, maybe other sufferers can finally correct their stomach acid imbalance and begin to heal from what seems to be a lifelong issue for many.

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GERD is incredibly inconvenient, very painful, and just downright ugly to deal with. Those who have occasional heartburn have no idea how that burning, gagging, painful, acidic and irritating issue feels on a daily basis.

Do you also suffer from acid reflux? Share this Story and any helpful suggestions for GERD management in the Comments!