A Painful Life: Having Three Diseases


How much do you struggle with Rheumatoid arthritis? Comment below to Show your Support!

Hello everyone, my name is Sylvia. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue syndrome and back problems because of Arthritis. I already had a surgery on my back. I gave up drinking 17 years ago due to poor health. It’s the best thing I ever did for my sanity. The next year, my fingers started hurting and tingling.

I saw my GP who made a referral to the rheumy department. The appointment was scheduled in September and my hubby was able to get me to see a rheumatoid doctor privately who told me that he was almost sure I had RA but asked to keep my appointment in September, which I did and after all, the tests came back positive.

So further down the line as I got worse, I had to change jobs. I was a freelancer catering assistant for compass services and I have to say I loved my job, but as my RA progressed it was very hard. I got a job in an office doing returns for a company that distributed newspapers and magazines, but I can’t remember their name. I was there for three years. My boss was very good with me and always approved taking time off for hospital appointments.

Read more: Rheumatoid Arthritis – I’m Not Crazy or Lazy

In 2009, I had to have a knee replacement surgery. I felt that the knee wasn’t right and I kept telling the doctors that it wasn’t, but nobody listened to me. I became redundant in November 2009. when we got taken over by Smiths news. I had an advisor through the Job Centre, a lovely man who told me I wasn’t suitable for work. That was a body blow I can tell you, but in the long run, he was right. I went on sickness benefit and that is where I have been ever since.

Well, two years after the first surgery, I finally got a private referral to a lovely man, he is one of the best in the country according to Daily Mail. He said when he looked at me standing up that they had put a straight joint in a bent leg. So, I went into a surgery and it took five hours to repair the damage. I already had my ligament stitched back up and at that time they still didn’t believe there was anything wrong with the joint. When I came around from the surgery, the surgeon said: “It was a bloody mess in there”. Well, pleased to say that it went well.

Read more: Dealing with Rheumatoid Arthritis

About 7-8 years ago, I started getting pain all over my body and another visit to the rheumy doctor, a different one this time. He diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia. I carried on until my GP diagnosed me with chronic fatigue syndrome. I thought great, what else can go wrong?

Come to last year’s surgery. I saw a neurosurgeon and he had to do a laminectomy on my back, which was very successful. I then had to see the knee specialist again as there seemed something wrong with my knee and it turns out I have fluid on the knee. Well, they took some fluid of it and it wasn’t infected, so they are now going to monitor it.

At the present time, I am recovering from surgery on my toes. I have had them broken on my left foot and the joints realigned. They have only done one foot. The stitches will be removed on the 18th of July then six weeks later the two pins will be removed. I must have the other foot done. I am sitting here with a boot on my foot doing nothing but resting.

Read more: My Journey With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Today, what can I say about my health?. It is down the toilet as they say in the UK. I am at a stage where I can’t do much of anything now without exhausting myself and I am never pain-free. I made my hair all different colors and my false nails are the same. My real nails have been virtually destroyed by the drugs I am on.

I used to be a very outgoing lady and was up for anything. Now, I hardly go out without my darling hubby, who I have been married to for nearly 35 years. He is my main life now. Something I didn’t imagine all those years ago, as he is older than me and I always expected to be the one who will take care of him.

How much do you struggle with Rheumatoid arthritis? Comment below to Show your Support!