5 Things You Didn’t Know About Molluscum Contagiosum


Molluscum Contagiosum is primarily a disorder found in young adults or children. Furthermore, this cutaneous eruption is mostly encountered by pediatric dermatologists. This disease is mostly caused by the poxvirus or molluscum contagiosum virus which is a double-stranded, large virus and a predominant member of the poxvirus family. Several types of genotypes exist, but this MCV genotype 1 is responsible for almost ninety-eight percent of molluscum cases. As the cases of molluscum contagiosum rise, it is essential to understand its etiology, recognize its typical presentation, and become aware of various available therapies. Listed are some of the most common beliefs about this infection. Some are accurate statements while the others are misconceptions.

Top Five Things You Didn’t Know About Molluscum Contagiosum

  • Mostly Childhood Molluscum involves Multiple Places, Whereas Adults Have A More Localized Disease: Mostly common among the pediatric population, patients mostly get affected in more than one anatomic place. The stomach is reportedly the most frequent area involved which is further followed by extremities. Furthermore, reports of the manifestation in the genital range from approximately five to fifty percent of the infected children. A report states that almost sixty-seven percent of infected children get fewer than fifteen lesions while another seven percent manifest almost more than forty lessons in one go.
  • Lesions Of Molluscum Contagiosum Are Asymptomatic: Patients suffering from molluscum might complain about burning, itching, or even tenderness. Eczematous eruptions are also known to develop around lesions and are reportedly found in more than one-third of infected patients. In addition to that, an ocular type of pain might occur in cases of molluscum, especially on the eyelid. Moreover, Curtin et al. found in the Molluscum Contagiosum virus might also result in chronic unilateral conjunctivitis.
  • MCV Infection Is Preventable: In order to limit the overall transmission of this disease, parents are advised to avoid taking their younger ones to swimming pools or public bathing. Also, in case a child is already infected by the virus, gentle skincare along with fragrance-free cleansers and soaps is recommended along with the use of different types of hypoallergenic emollients and moisturizers. In addition to these, the infected children must also dress in loose cotton clothing to reduce skin irritation.
  • Generally, Molluscum Contagiosum Goes Away On Its Own: Molluscum contagiosum often goes away on its own. Without any treatment, it usually clears off within approximately two to four months. Furthermore, it can also be treated in a wide variety of methods. Doctors can make use of liquid nitrogen spray in order to treat the bumps. Other treatment methods include different tropical products like trichloroacetic or cantharidin acid which can be easily applied to the bumps. The use of this medication can make them blister and go away.
  • Molluscum Contagiosum Is Contagious Only Till The Bumps Are Visible: It is often believed that the infection is contagious even after the bumps go away. However, Molluscum is generally contagious only when the bumps are visible by naked eyes. Once these bumps go away the patient stays no longer contagious.