5 Things from Your Home That Can Help Your Crohn’s Disease


When it comes to Crohn’s disease, the first line of treatment is usually seeking medication. Medical treatment helps to minimize the inflammation that can trigger signs and symptoms of the disease. However, there are things you can do at home to get relief from symptoms associated with Crohn’s disease as you wait for the medication or treatment to start working. Sometimes symptoms of Crohn’s disease can flare up even when they are well managed. This means that you may need to bring the symptoms under control. Here are some things from home that can help manage your Crohn’s disease.


Although stress is not a cause for Crohn’s disease, it may worsen your signs and symptoms. Biofeedback is a technique that allows you to control your thoughts, which may trigger physical reactions. With the help of electrical sensors, you can get feedback on your breathing, heart rate, the flow of blood, brain waves, body temperature, and other body functions. This way, you can manage and keep your stress under control. It also helps in keeping signs and symptoms of Crohn’s disease under control.


Exercising is one of the activities you can do from home to reduce stress and help your intestines to work normally. Yoga is an example of exercises that focuses on breathing and postures that helps you to relax. Since stress can make symptoms worse and trigger flare-ups, exercising is an effective and safe practice in managing Crohn’s disease.

drinking liquid exercise corhn's disease

Drinking Plenty of Liquids

In addition to taking small portions of meals, you should also keep your body hydrated. Avoid taking drinks that may stimulate your intestines and make symptoms worse. Ensure you are taking enough water in between meals to prevent dehydration. It is also important to avoid big gulps of water to avoid letting air into the digestive system, which may cause discomfort and more gas.


Botanical treatments and herbs such as chamomile, aloe vera, peppermint, and slippery elm bark can also help in easing the signs and symptoms of Crohn’s disease. However, you should talk to your doctor before you try these herbs. You will want to make sure there are no negative effects, especially if the herbs interact with medications.

vitamin d source crohn's disease
Sources of Vitamin D

Getting Vitamin D

Lack of vitamin D may lead to or worsen Crohn’s disease symptoms. Vitamin D contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help ease symptoms and relieve inflammation. Sunlight provides the best source of vitamin D. Make sure you use moisturizers and wear sunscreen because skin disorder is an underlying problem for Crohn’s disease and tanning can worsen the problem.

Managing Crohn’s disease at home does not have to be difficult. There are some things you can do to reduce the impact of your symptoms and make life easier.