
    No One Understands Living With Endometriosis

    Have you ever felt like you are Alone in your Fight against Endo? Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support...

    How to Recognize Dementia

    Does anyone in your family suffer from dementia? Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can...



      How I Overcame 10 Years of Opiate Addiction

      Who was your Reason to get Better? Show your support by Commenting! Imagine standing in the middle of nowhere in a -40 snowstorm, you have not eaten...

      A Recovering Crack Addict

      I have always been a drug addict for most of my life. I have come from a large family of alcohol and drug addicts. I grew up watering my parents' pot plants. My father was a cocaine dealer in the eighties and my mother was an alcoholic and addict.

      I was Left with One Ovary Because of Cancer

      What do you think of the Doctor-Patient relationship? Are doctors sometimes too harsh? Show your Support to the Author by Commenting below! Cancer has always been part...

      New Year’s Resolution – Walk Every Day

      Do you manage to keep yourself motivated? Share your advice by Commenting on the Blog! New Year celebration is somehow the starting point for many...

      Diabetes: My Full-Time Job

      On January 5, 2000, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. It affects your organs, arteries, eyesight, and hearing. I remember I called my dad crying. I had seen my mom, relatives, and friends all experience complications that were irreversible which resulted in them becoming disabled, or even passing away.






        Can a Daith Piercing Help with Migraines?

        So what is a Daith Piercing? Well, the Daith is the innermost cartilage fold in the ear. That area of the ear is linked...

        Signs and Symptoms of PTSD

        Mіlіtаrу реrѕоnnеl hаvе different trаumа еxреrіеnсеѕ frоm nоrmаl trаumа. All trаumаtіс еvеntѕ wіll mаkе the person involved fееl numb and аfrаіd. Thеѕе feelings mау...

        My Life with Schizophrenia

        When were you Diagnosed? Share the Story to Raise Awareness! When I was 18 I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and it wasn't an easy path...

        What you Need to Know about Diabetes

        Was anyone from your Family diagnosed with Diabetes? Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can...

        How Well Can You Hide Your Eating Disorder?

        Describing eating disorders to someone who has never heard of them can be challenging. Especially in Indian households, it is taboo to speak about...



        Heart and Brain in Sync

        When the heart and brain are out of balance, the sine waves between the two are jagged and spiked. On the other hand, when the heart and brain are in sync, the sine waves are rounded like ocean waves.


        Changed My Perspective on Life

        After an unfortunate Motor Vehicle Accident, I began my painful journey at 30 years old. I have been diagnosed with 6 autoimmune diseases.



          A Cerebral Palsy Miracle

          I love who I am today because I am proud of the woman God created me to be, a child of the Most High...

          An Eighty Year Old’s Psoriasis Story

          I have found psoriasis to manifest itself in so many forms and locations on the human body its almost like it customizes itself depending...

          A Teen’s Journey with Chronic Illness and a Beloved Service Dog

          Hi, I'm Lizzie. I'm 17 years old, and I live with a trio of invisible illnesses: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Mast Cell Activation...