Chocolate Ovarian Cyst Almost Ruined Me, But Here is How I Bounced Back Naturally


Did you try any natural remedies to help you with the pain? Do they help? 

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I got diagnosed with Endometriosis in April 2016, when MRI has shown and endometrioma/chocolate ovarian cyst of 6 cm. The pain and all other terrible symptoms of endometriosis I have had for 10 years were now making sense.

I have never heard of the condition previously, so my goal now is to educate everyone, to create awareness around it. I have shared my story on managing endometriosis naturally; the cyst shrank in a matter of 4 months and now after a year and a half of a “natural healing journey” I can say that I am almost not experiencing pain, I do not get bloated as bad or as often as before. My mood is more stable and I have not taken a single pain killer ever since I started the healing process!

I hope women around the world will continue to find the story inspiring and will be willing to try natural methods to help their bodies heal.

We are not alone in this! There are 75 million of women who know exactly how it feels like to have this condition, we shall never give up and fight for our well-being.

Did you try any natural remedies to help you with the pain? Do they help? 

Take a Read, Comment on the Blog to show your Support and Share if you can Relate.