I Got a Hysterectomy and It Didn’t Help with My Endometriosis


Myth: You must be cured if you’ve gone through a hysterectomy. Take a read, Comment and Share the blog to Raise Awareness!

My journey with Endometriosis started about 8 years ago.

I would have heavy periods and be in unbearable pain, but I didn’t understand why. As time went on I really got tired of living with this type of pain. I was always bloated and I felt as if my hormones were all over the place. I actually had to use pads and tampons when my period would come on.

My menstrual lasted for about two weeks sometimes, and it was very heavy. I then went to the doctors and my doctors gave me a vaginal ultrasound and my doctor told me that I had endometriosis and I had polyps on my uterus.

Read more: My Struggle with Endo

The doctor suggested me having an ablation done, which would burn the lining of my uterus and that would get rid of the polyps and stop me from bleeding so heavy.

They also talked to me about getting a hysterectomy but they didn’t want me to go into early menopause. I really didn’t care because I had already had my tubes tied. So, I told the doctor I would get the ablation done.

Once I had the ablation done I stopped having a period and if I did get one it would be me spotting and only last for a day. It has now been about 8 years and I sill rarely get a menstrual cycle. But what bothers me is I still have bad cramps and some days I don’t want to do anything.

Read more: Endometriosis – The “Invisible Disease”

I am constantly keeping pads on me and I always feel that I am constantly in premenstrual mode. I now have seen that there are many women who are currently going through what I am going through. I am now trying to find natural ways to deal with Endo and manage it.

This can’t be the way my life will stay. 

Myth: You must be cured if you’ve gone through a hysterectomy. Take a read, Comment and Share the blog to Raise Awareness!