Endometriosis Runs in my Family

Young woman is having pain in stomach and she is holding hot water bottle on it to herself.

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Iwas diagnosed with Stage 5 Endometriosis on November 1st, 2016.

Read more: I’ve had Endometriosis since I was 12 years old

I had been through many trials of pain, different birth controls and examinations before my surgery. My Endometriosis was in my liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, and intestines. Everywhere!

Today I am still having pain, not sure if it has come back or not. Hopefully, I won’t have another surgery for years.

Read more: Endometriosis – The “Invisible Disease”

My worst fear would be having a hysterectomy, as we still want more children. My mother and sister BOTH had Endometriosis surgery done, as well as a uterine sweep like me.

Living with endometriosis is hard, but I’ve learned that I need to stay strong and fight. I cherish every day that I have with my family and they give me all the strength I need to fight this disease.

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